sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2007



At this link is my poem A LETTER FOR MY SISTER...She used it without specification about who's the writter...She just copied it from my site and pasted it on her... and not only my poem but in this case I talk about mine!!!


I will take out these words from here when you will take out my work from your page!
... and dont worry..if you will not do that, I dont stop here!...

Somebody just told me that through a message on my personal site to this link: www.marianakabbout.piczo.com ...

The foam of a wave

I’m the foam of the wave
Which floods the edge of a shackled soul
Protecting dreams by storms which rave
And letting them to never fall

I’m the salt which always heals
And never brings a tear or pain
Turning the stones into the pearls,
And the hurricane in a mild rain

If perfect chances passed by
And I can feel a heart is broken
I break a strip from the clear sky
To write with it a love unspoken

I move the hills from here to there
Making to smile even a plastic doll
For everyone, from anywhere
I haven’t body, just mind and soul.

For what you want to see my face?
It is like yours... just pain and sin...
Facing the end after a grim race
I’ll only lose when the death will win...

No one has taught me what to be
And now, from nothing, what can I save?
I'll never dream to be a sea
As I'm the foam of a wave...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout


I wish....

I wish to have an icy heart for never love again,
Two eyes which never know to cry and never feel the pain...
My mind to not remember when and for what I was born,
A closed soul which never felt what’s means a real storm.

I wish to live the life I have without saying ” I’m sorry ”
Deleting the time when I was alone, sad or worry.
To pass over the blades of the fate without feel the rips
Teaching to smile even sometimes the fears dry my lips.

I wish...who cares what I wish? Even you never care
As time as you are always cruel, a selfish and unfair...
Live your life and don’t forget... if I ll be born again,
I’ ll come back to be your happiness... I’ll never be your pain!

copyright: Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

http: //pic7.piczo.com/MarianaKabbout/? g=43316533&cr=7

I'll be your bride...

It’s the night between two years and I find you again
In my dream.... I try to touch you but I can’t... It is in vain...
A sunrise makes me to fly, there up, over the plains
Where a lake swung so slowly our love on mild waves...

The leaves are rustling until now as our steps have never gone
Then a silence wraps the space and the crazy time which run...
Old rocks hide the stream full of waitings, hopes and dreams
And the same old question: why I still love you, my prince?

Our wedding was not more than an illusion on the way
But I keep your flowers lace on my neck ... as yesterday...
All the petals give me power to survive and feel again
Your words, the kiss and touches on my body... oh, sweet pain!

It’s a dream beyond last night and I live in it so nice!
When the flood of daybreak is still caressing my eyes...
A stars rain is falling now on my body and around...
All my blood became blue... In my heart is not a sound.

You don’t know that I’ve kissed in your trace after you’ve gone
The sky, air and the earth which is missing your sun...
Even the fate wants me to sip from the bitter death drink,
I’ll be your bride forever... but in another life... I think...

Copyright: Mariana Eftimie Kabbout



If your kisses will be flowers I’ll have a garden on my lips
And when you’ll cover me with petals, I’ll be a silent rain
To give you water and my sun by loving you in all my dreams
Then I can say: you are my wonder and finally, you came!

If your smile will be a light I’ll find the heaven in your eyes
And I’ll be waiting to taste it just like never before
Between the wings of my pure soul you’ll find a door of paradise
Just open it and I’ll stop the pain if it will heart you more

If your eyes will glance like jewels I’ll pray for you to never die
To have a life without an end by shining like a star
The clouds never shade your way ’cause your thought knows how to fly
And brings me near you today even if I am so far

But if you are a piece of sun and I’m just a lonely moon
You’ll never get to caress me... We'll never be together …
It doesn’t matter if the fate wants to estrange us too soon
You are my true love and will remain the one I’ll love forever!

copyright: Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

The rules of life

I am not a judge to punish all the sinners
For what they did a long time ago
Each one of them will pay tenfold for that
Even if no one believe in that, I know …

Do everything you want; only good things …
And do it well without being sorry …
When if you get a gift from your friend
Just give it to who’s hungry and worry

You make me to smile when I can see
How everyone wants what I’ve lost before
But he will never know that he’s more rich
Than a hundred kings together ... maybe more ….

The wealth is not in pocket … no, my friend !
It is inside of heart : it’s means respect and love
You’ll never buy them with money or gold
You can be unlucky but pure as a white dove

You never ask for more than you can give
And thanks to God ‘cause will forgive your sin
Don’t be a judge ! He is the only one
Which gave us the chance to live a perfect dream

What do you want to do, to keep this life
And put it in a bag to take it with you?
O, my poor friend , you are so silly if you think
That you will live forever! ... It’s not true!

copyright: Mariana Eftimie Kabbout


Lebanon... war, pain and blood!

Today, the earth is crying and the clouds are full of tears
The black fume is carrying with it towards stars too heavy sadness...
The pain is digging so deep in the children's eyes without fault
Please God, listen to their sighs and give them a little happiness!

The ruins lied everywhere around....just long sighs and screams
Hearing around how to implore the sky to stop this pain...
A lot of blood flowing on asphalt from crushed bodies
Which have gone so soon without the chance to smile again

Everything around is a fire and burning on the stake of death...
I’m asking myself what kind of soul makes so many crimes...
But I’ve found no words and the only answer is the quitness
Which made me repeat my question for thousand times...

The bombs are falling and the bullets are whistling in the wind
Hey, crazy people, in this world we can live together so well...!
Now leave the guns down, enough you’ve fed them with fire!
For all what you've destroyed, you will be burn in hell!

If you have children, I’ll pray for you never know what pain is
When looking for them under houses which fell on them yesterday
Maybe most people are lucky if they'll escape and run
Because from the little they had, nothing remained today...

A lost child, with his legs bleeding asking about his mother
He doesn’t know that she has died and he’s still calling her
How can I tell him that tomorrow everything will be fine?
Please God, give him a new life to forget he had ever suffer!

The angels are crying too for the pity of this innocent people...
Assassins, why you’ve destroyed what others raised yesterday?
When you will leave this life, all the ways to be closed in the darkness
To ask forgivness from all whom you are killing today...

Just a patch of sky remained from Lebanon...only a few eyes are still watching it
With hopes for a peaceful life.... and nothing more....
Please, my God, have pity and send them bright days !
I know that You are listening to me, that’s why I’m sending my prayers to You...
And tomorrow, on this rebel land the sun will rise again.....
.... like never before ...

copyright: Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

A letter for my sister

You’ve left this life at only 17 years ...
God will offer you peace and a place in heaven,
my dear sister ...

For longing, today I write you ...

I’ll find you there up between lights and shadows
You, old host, please, wait me at the door of the sky...
I don’t know the way but when my time is coming
Give me your wings for a moment and I’ll learn to fly

I’ve made a sea with my tears ... I’ve cried so much
When God has took you at Him forever...
I’ll never understand the rules of this passing life
And why the fate doesn’t want to let us together?

I’ve called you between angels ...You didn’t answered me
But last night you were here and have left for me a flower
Then you saw my eyes so sad, you cried with me
And implored God one more time to bless me with His power

You’re gone in heaven long time ago...I remember that morning ...
All these years the sky has cried for you like me
You are still asking me in my dream if I’m happy
But you already know my pain which I don’t want to let you see

I’m writing you this letter, my angel from the sky
But I’m looking on the paper ... What shall I write more?
Don’t wait for me to let you know my loneliness
And how much I wish to be the kids we were before !

Now I finish my letter but how can I send it to you ?
Your magic world is far away and there is no post
I’ll let it on the window ... You can read if you come in my dream
I’ll search the way towards you, as I've promised, my angel ...
Keep a place for me near you and I’ll never be lost !

Copyright : Mariana Eftimie Kabbout


Te iubesc fără cuvinte

Când nu îţi spun cã te iubesc, sã ştii cã te iubesc mai mult ...
Eşti un parfum sublim ce-l simt, fãrã cuvinte ...
E uneori prea greu de spus, prefer sã tac şi sã ascult,
Când numãr printre picãturi vechi jurãminte...

Când uit sã-ţi spun cã te iubesc, sã nu tresari în visul tãu
Şi sã nu crezi cã te-am pierdut printr-o uitare …
Secundã-ţi sunt într-un abis, eşti clipa sufletului meu,
Prin întunericul prea dens, te-mbrac în soare.

Când nu ţi-am spus cã te iubesc, te-am mai iubit încã odatã,
Şi neştiind cã te ador mi-ai plâns în braţe ...
Smaraldul trist din ochii tãi m-a tot strigat ca altadatã,
Lãsând durerea ce-o simţeai sã mã agaţe...

Când nu-ţi voi spune te iubesc, sã ştii cã te iubesc din nou
Şi-ţi scriu pe buze un sãrut ce nu te minte,
Nu mã-nvãţa cum sã te chem în noapte cu al meu ecou !
Eu ştiu sã-ţi spun cã te iubesc ... fãrã cuvinte ...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

Mai este timp...

Mai este timp să te mai strâng la piept
Şi în albastrul tău să mă pierd lin
Luând în palmã munţi de trandafiri
Să te mai caut printre ei ,o , vis divin !

Mai este timp destul să te iubesc
Din creştet până-n tălpi şi să mai pot
S-acopăr trupu-ţi fin cu nopţi fierbinţi
Ce n-or mai vrea din minte să te scot

E timp destul pe buze să mai am
Sărutul tău ameţitor de blând
Şi ne-ntrerupt să te culeg din flori
Apoi să te sădesc la mine-n gând

Da , este timp ... tu de ce crezi că nu-i ?
Şi chiar de nu-i ,voi scotoci-n abis
Pe tâmpla nopţii să te pot iubi
Pe-aceeaşi stea , la margine de vis ...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

Voi fi pământ

Nu mă-ntreba dacă mă tem
În viaţa asta de ceva
O moarte am şi nu mai mult
De ce să mă mai tem de ea ?

Cât timp mai sunt cu tine-aici
De vrei , mă poţi privi de “sus”
Şi mă poţi critica acum
Pentru ce-am scris sau ce am spus

Nu face asta-n ziua când
Eu , înarmată , până-n dinţi
Doar cu nimic din ce-am avut
Voi căuta drum către sfinţi

Am îndrăznit să nu accept
Ce alţii au tot vrut să fiu
Venind , plecam spre nicãieri
Cãci prea devreme-a fost târziu

Tot ce-am iubit şi am visat
Lăsat-am în al meu cuvânt
Suflet şi trup am fost cândva
Sub pasul tău voi fi pământ ...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

Ce-ţi spune lacrima, iubite?

Ce-ţi spune a mea lacrimă, iubite?
Te minte că e toamna un suspin,
În care tu eşti jar la gura sobei,
Iar eu aromă de gutui şi vin?

Ce-ţi poate spune un crâmpei de rouă,
Când n-a ştiut vreodată a grăi?
Şi cum împarte sufletul în două,
De nici chiar trupul nu poate simţi?

Salveaz-acum ce crezi că poţi din mine...
În vidul ce-n fisuri pare sudat,
Rămas-au doar ecouri clandestine
Pe care le-am gonit, dar n-au plecat.

E toamnă... iar e toamnă, bat-o vina!
Adună-mă din toate câte sunt...
Pe-o tavă de cleştar adu-mi lumina
De care-mi este dor, oh, ce dor crunt..

Nu vor mai fi izvoare răzvrătite,
Pulsul nu-mi va mai bate indecis...
Şi numai eu voi şti de ce, iubite,
Iubitul meu, dintre real şi vis...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

Mai ţes un vis...

Mai ţes un vis când zorii nu au vlagă
Rupând tăcerea-n două, te mai chem...
Inimi-i spun cu grijă să aleagă
Din tot ce e, doar ceasul cel suprem.

Cobor o treaptă să te văd mai bine
Dar simt c-alunec şi mă-mprăştii lent
Te strig urlând când mă zăresc pe mine
Luptându-mă cu sufletu-mi absent.

Glasu-ţi dă buzna-n mintea-mi străjuită
Ca un neghiob ce-n uşă n-a bătut.
”N-am să te pierd iubita mea iubită”...
Cum poţi să pierzi ceva ce n-ai avut ?

Mai ţes un vis pe a speranţei vatră
Şi te întreb deşi pari a nu şti :
De ce m-ai învăţat să devin piatră ?
Acum să văd cine te-o mai iubi ...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout


De dorul meu mi-e dor să-mi fie dor
Când bate vântul şi prin mine bate...
De simple ce-s, par complicate toate
Şi iar mă-ntreb: de ce mă nasc să mor?

Mi-e bine când doar bine-mi pare-a fi...
Privindu-te, să mă găsesc în tine...
De prea mult rău să-mi fie iarăşi bine,
Ca mai apoi ce-i dor să nu pot şti.

Mi-e dor de tine să nu-mi fie dor!
Negociind cu groaza şi cu ura,
Pe-al clipei prag îţi conturez făptura
Şi-o zvânt de negru-gri uşor, uşor.

Timpul destramă căptuşeala veche,
Călăi ai minţii cer ce nu mai am.
Din mine-adun iubirea gram cu gram
Şi-o prind de umbra ta scriind: pereche.

Şi-mi spun că-i dorul doar un dor de-a şti
Hotarul dintre moarte şi plăceri..
La fel de bine nu va fi ca ieri...
Mai rău ca azi, doar astăzi poate fi.

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout

Ultima noapte

Torenţială-i ploaia... Doamne, de ce nu curmă
În mintea mea sărutu-ţi din noaptea de pe urmă?
Al dezrobirii zâmbet mi-a-ncremenit pe faţă...
A mâinii tale urmă mă arde şi mă-ngheaţă.

Absurd mă soarbe vântul. Un dor îmi bea din sânge.
Sub gene-mi urlă cerul. Sub tălpi pământu-mi plânge...
De ce te-mpart cu noaptea când tandru-mi guşti fiinţa ?
De câte vieţi nevoie mai am să-mi uit sentinţa?

Amanetez speranţa. Pe gratis dau odaia
Prin care umbra-ţi merge şi-acum la braţ cu ploaia...
Ultim va fi păcatul de-oi mai păstra în minte
Atingerea-ţi flămândă, pe sânul meu fierbinte...

Vând cea din urmă noapte unei năluci smintite.
Plăteşte cash (oh, Doamne!) cu chipul tău, iubite...
Mi-e fuga pas degeaba. Pe braţele-mi de ceară,
Născut vei fi de-o ploaie, a nu ştiu câta oară...

Şi chiar dacă iubirea-ţi în chinuri m-ar zdrobi,
De biciul ei lovită aş vrea să mai pot fi...

Mariana Eftimie Kabbout